Our Proposal:
Residential & Employment Development
Development Location
We previously considered a range of options, including the potential to promote a ‘split’ scheme balancing delivery across part of this site and other land previously considered for development by South Somerset at Costello Hill.
However, following our previous consultation, we have now proposing only to build on the land identified in South Somerset's emerging Local Plan to the West of the Fosse Way. We are using the aspirations of this policy to see how development could be delivered in a way that compliments the nature reserve proposals.
We are keen to ensure that the built development incorporates plenty of green infrastructure, which connects with the nature reserve to the north, and the green spaces established in the recent development to the south. We intend to pursue "Building with Nature" accreditation for the design of the residential section, which is explained in more detail on the Building with Nature page.
Proposed Development Framework Plan
The Development Framework Plan
The Development Framework Plan above demonstrates how the scheme could be delivered at a strategic level. Our intention is to seek an outline planning permission for the level of development proposed, with the plan, at this stage, demonstrating how this could be delivered. Through this process, the Council can fix certain parameters, but a further "reserved matters" application would then be required later, to provide the full details including layout and design.
This plan has been informed by site opportunities and constraints, including the restrictions imposed by known archaeological deposits (plus a suitable buffer) in the northern portion of the site, as well as the feedback received from previous consultation.
Additional Facilities
To respond to the feedback received, in addition to the residential and employment development sought by the Council, we have identified opportunities to provide additional car parking on-site.
We are aware that there is a view locally that further residential development would add pressure to local healthcare facilities that are already under strain. As such, we have identified land on the site which may be suitable to deliver healthcare facilities; although the suitability and deliverability of this will be established by the local Council and local health trust through the course of the planning application.
We have also been in touch with the Scout leader and are happy to contribute to a new scout hut.
Access and Connectivity
The emerging proposals identify a new primary vehicular and pedestrian access via Somerton Road (B3151). We consider this will focus travel by car in a north-westerly direction in / out of Ilchester along the Somerton Road, towards the A372 and A303.
Additional access points to the south of the site (via Hornbeam Vale) will accommodate vehicles, but will be pedestrian and cycle focused , and there will be a pedestrian/cycle only access to the east of the site via a new connection to the Fosse Way / Roman Road. Within the new development, routes will prioritise high-quality footpaths and cycle-ways. Given the close proximity of the site to the school, existing employment sites, and convenience store, this will bring a sense of community to the development and facilitate and encourage residents to travel by foot / cycle instead of by car within Ilchester. It will enhance connectivity to existing services and recreational opportunities, and facilitate access for existing residents to employment and public space.
Both the employment and residential development will be provided with sufficient off-road parking to meet the local policy requirements.
Access Strategy Diagram
Construction Traffic
We understand local residents have concerns about construction traffic. Although we will need to agree the approach with the Council during the planning process, we intend to ensure disturbance is minimised by securing the requirement for construction traffic to access the site directly from the Somerton Road (B3151), and only via the route to the northwest of Ilchester, with routes through the town not permitted. Importantly, construction traffic will be minimised by keeping all spoil on the site - it will be used for the construction of the noise bund in the nature reserve along the side of the A303.
Construction Traffic Route Diagram
Green and Blue Infrastructure
The proposals include the extensive provision of Green and Blue Infrastructure. We intend to incorporate large areas of landscaping and recreational open space within the built-development area, connecting to the nature reserve. This will also incorporate surface water management, planting, archaeological safeguarding and nutrient pollution mitigation measures.
There are opportunities to reinforce existing boundary hedgerows and trees. An equipped play area will be incorporated and we propose that this should adjoin the existing play provision adjacent to Birch Lane. There will be flexible “pocket” green spaces to provide further opportunities for informal play, particularly for younger children, and we intend for access routes to prioritise pedestrians/cyclists and incorporate high-quality landscaping.
There is known below ground archaeology within the central/northern part of the whole site. In the emerging proposals, a 10m buffer is shown between this and any built development. It is anticipated that further research will identify opportunities for information boards and other educational opportunities associated with the remains.
We are committed to pursuing Building with Nature accreditation. Independent assessment will ensure the highest standards of responsibility for the natural world are reflected in the proposals, requiring this to be embedded in every aspect of the proposals. Building with Nature has been established for some years and provides a robust framework of best practice standards to set a benchmark for good green infrastructure and how to deliver it.