Building with
We are working with Building with Nature (BwN) which is an independent body established to put nature at the heart of development in a way that is good for people and wildlife. This is done by assessing and awarding projects that meet the standards we have referred to later on this page.
We are delighted to announce that in April 2024 we were awarded by BwN a Full Award for our plan for the nature reserve, and a Design Award for our residential plan. This prestigious award is a testimony to the design teams on both elements of the project, and to the whole team's commitment to ensuring the built and natural environments work together as successfully as possible for people and nature.
In their first review of our current proposals for the residential development and nature reserve, our Building with Nature Assessor made the comments below:
"It is apparent that this is a highly aspirational and unique project which is taking a landscape-led approach to development by committing a significant amount of land, which is currently farmland, to be developed into a nature reserve for community and wildlife benefit. This will sit alongside a new sustainable residential and mixed-use neighbourhood. The scheme is targeting an enduring legacy of positive impacts for people and wildlife, identifying many key aspirations to make significant commitment to environmental and social improvement."
"It is very encouraging to see the design team take on board the standards at this stage and will enable them to fulfil their commitments and to find the opportunities that the project can offer from the outset."
"It is also positive to see that the residential area has been considered separately to the nature reserve, for example in the reference to standard 12 and it will be of benefit to the assessment of this area for the team to be clear about the enhancement and improvements they are making within the residential setting to demonstrate that the standards are being met for both this and the nature reserve proposals."
"Overall, this scheme has many positive and commendable aspirations to deliver a high-quality sustainable development with an enduring legacy and aligns closely with the spirit of the Building with Nature benchmark. Provided there will be sufficient evidence within the application submission to demonstrate the commitment in some of the more detailed areas including delivery of wildlife enhancement, stewardship and water management, then this could become an exemplar scheme on a wider scale, which sets out a clear vision and legacy for future benefits for the area and beyond."
We will aim to meet the Building with Nature objectives in the following way:
Core Standards
Standard 1
Optimises Multifunctionality and Connectivity
The nature reserve and associated green spaces harness on site green infrastructure opportunities and offer connectivity to wider biodiversity networks. In addition to this new movement networks will also be created and will also offer connections to the wider network in both the short and long term.
Standard 2
Positively Responds to the Climate Emergency
The proposals will aim to go beyond minimum standards and deliver a future proof development with sustainability at its core.
Standard 3
Maximises Environmental Net Gains
By delivering the new nature reserve, the proposals go beyond biodiversity gain requirements to facilitate this scale of development, with the overall aim of delivering a significant community asset and the legacy from the site.
Standard 4
Champions a Context Driven Approach
The project team continue to involve key stakeholders both in the local area and regional area and are committed to maximising the opportunities this site presents.
Standard 5
Creates Distinctive Places
The proposals will seek to build upon the existing green infrastructure on site to ensure that the proposals are reflective of the local area and reinforce the existing character, while still safe creating a strong sense of place and character within this part of the town.
Standard 6
Secures Effective Place-keeping
The project team is exploring the best mechanism for maintaining and protecting the long term integrity of the nature reserve and it is envisaged that a management company would take ownership of the residential elements to ensure their long term survival and maintain the high standards envisaged for the site.
Wellbeing Standards
Standard 7
Brings Nature Closer to People
Standard 8
Supports Equitable and Inclusive Places
The nature reserve and complimentary pocket parks will deliver multi-functional green spaces that suit the needs of all ages and the connectivity strategy will ensure that accessibility is maximised for new and existing residents.
Water Standards
Standard 9
Supports Equitable and Inclusive Places
The nature reserve will include wetland areas that will be focused on biodiversity and wildlife habitat creation. Subsystems will be used wherever possible to create this sustainable drainage solution, which will be incorporated within the residential and employment areas to ensure the aspirations for a high quality landscape setting are carried through the entire development.
Standard 10
Brings Water Closer to People
Opportunities to deliver rain gardens within streets will be explored with a view to complementing the wetland areas within the nature reserve.
Wildlife Standards
Standard 11
Delivers Wildlife Enhancement
The nature reserve will ensure that the site becomes a regional focus for wildlife enhancement and biodiversity.
Standard 12
Underpins Nature’s Recovery
The proposals will deliver a green grid within the residential elements to ensure that connectivity is provided through the entirety of this site and not just within the nature reserve. This will take the form of tree-lined streets, pocket parks, rain gardens and/or other SUDs.